What is Fractional ownership?
The term fractional ownership is not very familiar to most people here in Europe and one could be forgiven for wondering what on earth it means. In fact, fractional ownership has been well-known in the US for twenty years but it is now spreading rapidly around the globe as a means to enable people to buy a slice of luxury for their holidays.
You may have plenty of cash to splash out on your second home, but if you can only take three to twelve weeks holiday a year, you can bet that you will spend some of that precious time fretting over the cracking paint and other maintenance details instead of enjoying your well-earned break. Back home, you will spend the rest of the year with constant niggles about the security and upkeep of the property. You may have some capital to invest but couldn’t ever afford to buy the kind of luxury holiday home you’ve seen advertised. Beautiful homes set in inspiring locations with first class leisure facilities cost a small fortune. This is where fractional ownership proves its worth.